Bull Market vs. Bear Market? What You Need to Know

Bull Market vs. Bear Market? What You Need to Know

If you’ve been around for long enough, you can’t have failed to notice that the economy goes through booms and busts, and these are known as bull markets and bear markets for our investments.

Let’s take a look at what bear and bull markets are, what to expect from them, and how to react to them for maximum profit.

Technically, a bull market is defined as a time when prices rise — generally by 20% or more.

What Is a Bull Market?

As they say, what goes up must come down — and that downward movement is encapsulated in bear markets.

What Is a Bear Market?

Understanding  Bull Markets and  Bear Markets

Understanding  Bull Markets and  Bear Markets

Understanding  Bull Markets and  Bear Markets

Bull markets and bear markets shouldn’t be looked at in isolation — they both form part of the economic cycle.

Real-Life Examples

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were in the midst of the longest bull market in history, which lasted from March 2009 right to March 2020.

How Should You React to Bull Markets and Bear Markets?

How Should You React to Bull Markets and Bear Markets?

No matter how well you know the theory, it’s useless if you can’t apply it to improving your investment decisions and becoming a more profitable trader.

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Swipe Up to learn more about  Bull Market vs. Bear Market? What You Need to Know