Debt Free Journey – The Money Earner

We are excited to bring you a series in which we explore real-life stories on people working towards or who have already become debt-free.


Name: Jonathan Evans (The Money Earner) Age: 32 Gender: Male Location: Isle of Wight, England


Debt paid amount: £20,000+ Debt source: Bank loan £10,000 for a postgraduate degree, £10,000 personal loans, and credit cards Time to eliminate debt: 5 years

Lined Circle

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself A: I am now 32 years old living a very happy content life, with my amazing girlfriend and our two children, on the beautiful Isle of Wight, England.

If people want to connect with you, where can they find you? Find me on my website where I share my money earning plans and similarly on Twitter @themoneyearner1

Did you already eliminate the debt, or are you still working on it?

The last of the payments have been made this year. From being so far in the red, I am now a few grand in the black.