Summer has Ended. August Net Worth 2021

This month of August, we were able to save 75% of our income. That is a considerable amount for most people around us, and I cannot fathom how we did it as efficiently as we  did.

It all starts with living below your means. Since we made more money, we could have spent more, and the opposite happened. We just stayed the same in spending. It is a helpful tool not to inflate our lifestyle. We traveled and saw some folks on the weekends, and this is a needed excitement.


Travels for the Weekends: One of the most significant spending's we did was travel, and for Taiwan, it was pretty cheap overall.

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Bonus Season! These bonuses are a big deal. Taiwanese work hard for their bonuses. Ours is a one-month salary that is untaxed. We usually use it as our travel money. In August, we do not need to show up for work, so we typically go off and travel while taking some unpaid leave.

The Budget For August: Since we had a 75% savings rate and more income, our budget items look pretty small.


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August Net Worth 2021 Breakdown: My favorite asset is owning stocks through simple index funds. These index funds have done tremendously throughout 2021, but I know the more I invest early, the more time the investments have to compound.

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Cash: +$6,281

We had increased our cash by quite a lot in August, and I am not sure we will see this increase until August of 2022 next.

Taxable Brokerage  Account: + $3,960  As we continue to invest, this raging bull market keeps helping us to create more income. Roth IRA: +$140 My Roth IRA keeps chugging along. I was amazed to see it grow so much.  

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