Money Lessons Not Taught in School

Money Lessons Not Taught in School

Money Lessons Not Taught in School

The world is full of information, and oftentimes the education system misses out on teaching the young generation about money.

Being able to equip people for the future is the job of the teacher. Schools have lacked financial literacy, and it is time to learn some money lessons not taught in school.

The Power of Compounding Interest.

Compound interest grows interest upon interest. The more time you have the more time compound interest can grow your money.

Retirement is not at 65

If you have enough money saved up in investments you could stop working, go and travel the world, do whatever passion you may have.

Owning Income Producing Assets

Buying stocks that will deliver dividends and growth on your portfolio can help you reach financial independence quicker.


Honestly, I do not understand what people are so afraid of, if you learn about taxes just a little bit you can avoid paying them.

Where to invest your money?

As technology advances, there are many opportunities to invest in stock, bonds, and real estate.

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