Now, in the way I am using it we would like to give it a place in the financial world. FU money is the money needed to basically say “F-You” to work, or to anything that has control over you through money.
The power of F-U money at work:
Oftentimes, people are tied to jobs because it pays for our expenses. I totally understand. Being able to work, gives me the opportunity to save money, invest money, and spend money on things that I enjoy.
FU money gives us options:
I love having options. Being able to not worry about money is something great!
All of a sudden options have opened up. Options for employment. There are options of where to live.
Live and do what you want
FU money gives us power to live where we want.
Living in Taiwan is great and cheap, but if we were to move closer to in-laws in Australia we could.
Money working for us is better than working for money.