It is time to build wealth with lazy portfolios.

It is time to build wealth with lazy portfolios.

It is time to build wealth with lazy portfolios.

 We all want to make time for family, friends, and even fun experiences. The problem is that we also need to invest for our future.

Creating portfolios for our future can often be hard, laborsome, and difficult. Let me show you how to build wealth with lazy portfolios.

What is a lazy portfolio?

A lazy portfolio is any portfolio that requires a collection of investments with little maintenance. 

The 2-Fund Portfolio:

With this exposure, you will have exposure to the top companies in all of the world. This will be a very diversified portfolio.

The 3-Fund Portfolio:

In this 3-Fund portfolio, Larimore breaks down the stock portion of the portfolio into two funds.

The Frugal Expat 3-Fund Portfolio:

I am a young individual with lots of room to grow within my portfolio. Right now, I am in the accumulation phase of wealth.

The 4-Fund portfolio:

The 4-Fund portfolio just adds an index fund of REITs to get a broad exposure of the REITs.

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Swipe up to learn more about  It is time to build wealth with lazy portfolios.