Yotta Savings Review-  The Gamification of Savings

I have had people ask me about savings. How can I save more? Where can I put my money? What is the best place for a savings account? These are typical questions I even ask myself sometimes. I am always looking for a good place to park my emergency fund to earn a good rate.

What is Yotta Savings

Yotta Savings is a new App/ company that is geared to helping people save more money with competitive rates. It is using a prize-like system to incentivize individuals to save their money with them.


$80 billion is spent on the lottery, which averages out to $640 per household on average. If they could move that lottery money into savings then they are more likely to save money, have the thrill of playing the lottery, while winning some interest on top of that saving. 

Lined Circle

Their Mission

Premium Bonds in the U.K.

It is a system that gives prizes to people based on how many tickets they own. You get a ticket for each Pound invested, and there is a monthly draw for the winners.

As we look at Savings Account Rates in the U.S., we notice that they suck. Now it will be a battle between Yotta Savings vs Ally bank for best rates. Most likely, you just need to put it in the market.

Savings Account Rates in the U.S.


Lined Circle

Yotta Savings Rates

Lined Circle

After watching a youtube video by Graham Stephen, I took a search into Yotta Savings. He mentioned another youtuber named AskSebby. AskSebby came up with an effective rate for Yotta Savings at around 1.8% APY.

How Yotta Savings Works?

Yotta Savings took the same model as Premium Bonds but changed it for the better. The base rate is between 0.20%-1.8% + 0.20%. It works as a high yield savings account, but with a lottery feel.

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