
14 Signs Your Finances Are in Good Shape After Age 65

Age 65 is the magic number for many working people. It’s the age when many decide to leave the workforce ...

15 Unique Ways To Cut Your Monthly Spending Bill

Creating a budget is a big part of adulting. Maybe everybody doesn’t like working on their budgets, but ensuring you ...


15 Home Investments That Are a Waste of Money

It is debatable whether your home is truly an investment, though it's common to hear houses billed that way. Even ...

Italian Gelato

16 Things Frugal People Don’t Waste Their Money On

Living frugally isn't something that comes naturally to everyone. For impulse spenders, cutting out unnecessary spending is a daily struggle. ...

16 Mistakes That People Make During Retirement

What is life if not a series of mistakes? While sage Americans recognize that each mistake is an opportunity to ...

Couples cuddling while watching tv

14 Signs That You Are Better Off Than The Average American

If you're an American with an emergency fund, you can count yourself among the majority. However, that doesn't mean that ...

retire budget

16 Frugal Habits That Have Made Retirement Even Better

Ah, retirement. Those twenty-five or thirty years after you hit the age to fully withdraw Social Security when you can ...

retire lady buy

16 Useless Items People Tend To Buy When They Retire

Every working person dreams of retiring. Not having to report to work every day and being on their own schedule ...

hobbies for retirees

Retirement Reality Check: 12 Expenses That Can Sink Your Golden Years

Retirement should be a time of relaxation and enjoyment – but financial stress can often rain on your parade if ...

Happy Old man

Broke to Blissful: 10 Depression-Era Lessons to Master Your Money

The Great Depression was a difficult time for many people, but it also presented an opportunity to learn valuable lessons ...
