The First $100K is a B*tch
Steve Cummings
“The first $100K is a b*tch, but you got to do it”. Charlie Munger said this at a Berkshire Hathaway ...
Double your income with Compound interest.
Steve Cummings
Albert Einstein said Compound Interest is “the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who ...
Yotta Savings Review- The Gamification of Savings
Steve Cummings
Since I have started this blog, I have had people ask me about savings. How can I save more? Where ...
The Importance of a Savings Rate
Steve Cummings
Before I started my journey into finance I was not budget savvy as so many people around me. People used ...
Help! It is an Emergency
Steve Cummings
Oftentimes, shit happens. Excuse my language. I know mom and dad may be reading this or even my lovely wife, ...