Debt Free Journey

Interview Series


Welcome to Debt Free Journey. This interview series has been developed in collaboration with my friend Cristian Ferrier from The Financial Alien.

We are excited to bring you a series in which we explore real-life stories on people working towards or who have already become debt-free.

This interview series explores the journey of those who decided to live a life of freedom, a life of no debt. On our journey to be debt-free, we learn many tips and strategies to help get rid of debt. These interviews will allow us to learn more tips as we fight debt.

Whether you still have debt and don’t know how to attack it or have already become debt-free, we hope you find this information useful to help you fight off debt. We have been there and hope to help you on your journey.

Series Information

Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis, with new interviews being published bi-weekly on Wednesdays. This page, along with this one from Financial Alien, will serve as the series main hubs.

Here you will find all information about the interview series, answers to common questions, and of course, links to the interviews themselves. Be prepared to learn, enjoy, and write some notes down.


  • How to be part of the series?
    • To take part in the Debt Free Journey series, you can reach us using the Contact form or directly messaging us on Twitter.
  • Are there any requirements?
    • To participate, you must have already gotten rid of some, if not all, of your debt and be actively working towards becoming debt-free.
  • What if the only debt we have is our home? Can we still participate?
    • Yes. For these interviews, your home mortgage doesn’t count towards your debt. Home mortgage is not a bad debt. 

To not miss any future interviews from the Debt Free Journey series, as well as any other great content from our site, make sure to sign up.

Steve Cummings (The Frugal Expat)

  • Published:
  • Debt paid: $20k
  • Debt source: Student Loans

Getting married was one of those things that propelled me to knock out all of my loans. It took me 9 years, but the loans were knocked out. Check it out!

Cristian & Elizabeth (Financial Alien)

  • Published: 
  • Debt paid: $80k
  • Debt source: Student Loans

Cristian and Elizabeth 5 years ago were in $80,000 worth of debt, and now they have changed it around to having a net worth of $600,000.

Check out how this couple has learned about FIRE and changed their life.

Thomas Wood (FI Cop)

  • Published:
  • Debt paid: $45k
  • Debt source: Student Loans, credit card, car loan

Thomas talks us through his journey to eliminate his student loan debt. Not only he eliminated $45K in student loan debt, but he saved $100K along the way for house downpayment! How did he do that? Read along to find out.

Adam Shoup

  • Published: 
  • Debt paid: $31,955
  • Debt source: Credit cards, student loans, and a personal loan.

Adam talks us through his journey to eliminate his student loan debt. Not only he eliminated $31,955 in student loan debt and credit card debt, but he did this in 15 months. How did he do that? Read along to find out.

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