12 Best Life Hacks That Will Save You a Ton of Money

Vuk Jovanovic


credit: depositphotos

Saving money today seems like an impossible mission, but paying attention to some details and making small changes in everyday life can make a huge difference in your bank account.

1. Only Visit Yard Sales in the Wealthy Neighborhoods

Yard sales have some exciting things for sale, and that's for a low price. Many users agreed that one of the best decisions was going to yard sales in wealthy neighborhoods. The chances of finding a lot of helpful stuff, expensive brands, and much more for really cheap means a difference. It is a lifesaver for saving money.

2. Watch Repair Videos

Have you ever thought that something a repairman or dealer charges you 50-100 dollars can be done in 10 minutes without their help? A second user explained how watching videos of any kind for repairing anything in the house could save tons of money. Not having to pay a plumber, electrician, or car repairman for something you could do in 5 minutes is a great life hack for saving money.

3. Buy Spices from Hispanic, Indian, and Chinese Shops

According to many, buying original and natural spices from other countries' grocery stores is a great way to save money. Besides this, spices are almost always half the price compared to American grocery stores. In addition, their quality can often be much better than theirs.

4. Borrow Books, Cds, Dvds, and Now Audiobooks from the Library

People never know what kind of services their library offers. It's a common mistake not to have a library card, but not spending any money on books, CDs, DVDs, or audiobooks is a big money saver. Besides usual books, libraries can offer excellent textbooks, cookbooks, collectors manuals, and many more. So it's highly advised according to a good amount of users.

5. Use Only Half the Amount of Laundry Products That Are Recommendable

People can't guess how much money the laundry machine and its products take out of people's pockets annually. Someone confirmed that using only half the amount of laundry products can spare some big dollars in the long run; also, someone mentioned that using powder detergent is super cheap and that they don't waste any water.

6. Make Your Food

Cooking at home can sometimes be boring, but the difference between making meals at home and eating out and ordering food is too big. Others also commented that besides saving money, it also means a healthier food regime which saves money for the doctor too.

7. Coffee and Water from Home

You wouldn't guess how much money you lose buying coffee daily at Starbucks. But on the other hand, people claim that buying a coffee-making machine and making your coffee saves thousands of dollars. Besides coffee, commenters highlighted re-fillable water bottles that we use daily, which can be reusable.

8. Going to County College

One of the biggest problems of today for the younger generation is student loan debt. According to many, one way of evading that obstacle is going to county college if you need help deciding what to graduate. They described the expenses to be low, only for buying books and similar. And people get a chance to save a lot of money.

9. Coupons for Grocery Shopping

One of the oldest tricks in the books that makes a big difference today is described as one of the best life hacks for saving money. Several users raved about grocery shopping coupons as the most helpful way to save money. However, giving little attention to them can save up to 20-30 percent of the annual expense for groceries.

10. Sell All of Your Unused Items

One individual wrote,” Just about everything is worth something to somebody.” Before deciding to throw something away, people should keep those words in mind. Selling unused items is a great way of saving money, making more room at home, and recycling. According to many users a great life hack for being frugal.

11. Cutting Back on Subscriptions

Sometimes the subscriptions can be costly and with little return. Many users noted that gym memberships, streaming services, and magazine subscriptions could cost a lot of money and, in most cases, are unnecessary. However, the money saved on those things is significant in the long run.

12. Google Coupon Codes

A final user shared their thoughts about searching coupon codes online. People can get the chance to use redeem the code and buy stuff up to 50-60 percent of the total price. It all depends on the sites the users try to use; they recommend having a Honey web browser extension.


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