Wealthy Wisdom: 10 Unique Habits of Multimillionaires and Billionaires Shared by Colleagues

Chris Phelan


Businessman counting cash
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A handful of traits and characteristics separate the genuinely wealthy from ordinary men and women. Not all people are created equal, and that's never more apparent than when discussing the unique habits that millionaires and billionaires share! Some people are truly wired differently. Let's take a look at what sets them apart from the pack.

1. Unafraid of Taking Risks

Man investing in stock market
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Many believe the best way to become rich beyond your wildest dreams is to take chances others wouldn't dare take! Being unafraid of failing breeds innovation, and being unafraid of taking risks separates the billionaires from typical men and women today. While there's nothing wrong with playing it safe, any successful CEO will tell you countless times they took a risk, which significantly impacted their career arc!

2. Possessing Endless Confidence

Man talking to manager about job
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Confidence, whether speaking to someone privately or giving a speech on a grand scale, is paramount to success. Most successful men and women don't only embrace their confidence; they fine-tune it to perfection! After all, there's nothing worse than someone who doesn't believe in what you're saying or doing. Being habitually mindful of how much confidence you exude is essential (but ensure it doesn't cross over into arrogance).

3. Testing How a Person's Mind Works

Man interviewing
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Many successful people incorporate peculiar habits during interviews to weed out weaker applicants who wouldn't be a culturally good fit in their company. One person explains how a CEO's tactics blew him away during a recent job process. “My interview was memorable,” he recalls. “We had the usual back-and-forth, and then he just stopped talking about 20 minutes into the interview and stared at me. I later found out he wanted to know how I handled silence.” Talk about intimidating!

4. Healthy Sleep Habits

Man sleeping on bed
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Success can be measured in countless ways, but according to many, the most successful people have one thing in common: Astonishingly healthy sleep habits. Millionaires and billionaires don't sleep in; they usually wake up at the crack of dawn, which is far easier to accomplish when they go to sleep at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. If you have big-time aspirations, it may be time to adjust your sleep habits to align with some of Earth's wealthiest people.

5. Regular Exercise

Man working out in gym
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Fine-tuning your emotional health is a habit of successful people, but ensuring your body is healthy daily is an often overlooked trait of millionaires and billionaires. While affluent people have access to some of the best personal trainers in the world, their exercise habits keep their bodies running optimally. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Mark Cuban are a handful of people who credit daily exercise to their success!

6. Creatures of Habit

Business people working together in project
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Far and away, successful people are creatures of habit. Their days follow the same schedule and patterns and rarely go off course. There are no surprises facing the millionaires and billionaires of the world. These men and women wake up at the same time every day and sleep at the same time every evening. In their world, unfamiliarity breeds chaos, and chaos is something they know they cannot control.

7. Keeping a Trusted Inner Circle

CEO in meeting
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It's exceedingly rare to become successful in a vacuum; nearly all of the most successful people have a loyal team surrounding them at all times. Keeping a trusted inner circle is imperative, whether it's people they trust from childhood or dedicated specialists who have seen it all in the business world. However, if the hit television series Succession has taught us anything, even your most trusted allies may one day have the propensity to turn on you!

8. The Never-ending Grind

Man working hard
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For millionaires and billionaires, the work never stops. While many believe they would stop working as soon as they gained enough wealth, the opposite holds true for the hardest-working men and women in the world. These people are addicted to the work, addicted to the grind, and addicted to making money. They are ideal examples of the wolf-like behavior that separates the stereotypical class system in society. For these people, “taking a day off” is never an option!

9. Always Being “On”

Middle aged businessman thinking
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Successful people never stop selling, scheming, and thinking of their next move. One person admits he is jealous of his successful brother-in-law, who exemplifies these habits perfectly. “He is always on,” confesses one man. “He is always looking for a new angle. He does business on his cell phone while riding a ski lift. But he does a great job of being in the moment. He can be horsing around with his grandkids, and then, in two minutes of slack time, checks his email and makes a huge business decision before going back to his grandkids with enthusiasm.” While this sounds exhausting, it's a proven method for success!

10. Practicing Silent Philanthropy

Counting money
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Believe it or not, the most wealthy people in the world give away considerable chunks of their largesse, often in secretive ways so as not to garner unwanted public attention. For every Bill Gates, who has donated billions toward philanthropic endeavors over the past few decades, a lesser-known billionaire is silently donating to charity. Of course, this person does it not because they know it will increase their reputation but because it's the right thing to do.

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