Retail Therapy Confessions: 10 Women Reveal Their Shopping Guilty Pleasures

Ben Rice

Woman shopping

Consumer spending habits are changing as the vice of high inflation strengthens its grip on people’s assets, overheads, and expenditures. Therefore, with old shopping habits dying slowly, what is the one guilty pleasure women admit they cannot leave just yet? A recent online post reveals some interesting choices.

1. Books

Woman buying books
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even if you are in a quick-stop shop at Target, Walmart, or Costco, you might be one of those who can’t pass the books aisle without at least one inspection. The biggest test is when the two-for-one ticket glares at you. However, it needn’t always be expensive — thrift stores can be a treasure trove for new reads.

2. Candles

Woman buying scented candle
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Life may be falling apart, and your wallpaper may be peeling off, but ladies will always have candles to make things better. Whatever the rat race throws at you, being able to unwind at home with a pumpkin spice or Madagascan vanilla aroma can be a dealbreaker for some! The good news is that candles are a relatively cheap addiction to control — as long as you buy them in bulk and at the right place.

3. Skincare Products

Woman buying skincare products
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Good skin is non-negotiable for most women, and understandably so. Ensuring you are eternally youthful doesn’t have a value — it’s priceless. The sad news is that beauty products don’t come cheap, so you can’t cheat on this one. Thankfully, other methods for those with low funds can mitigate those wrinkles: abstaining from alcohol, staying hydrated, eating well, and sleeping well.

4. Notebooks

Woman with notebook and pen
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some women need to take that first step to recovery and admit they have a stationery problem, with notebooks as the main catalyst. Something is alluring about those fresh designs and eloquently stenciled bindings. However, let’s remember that, like people, it is the underneath part that counts, though in this case, lined paper isn’t that exciting.

5. Snacks

Woman eating Pringles
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The dreaded carbohydrate sirens call to us from the baked goods aisle, usually amid craftily-released cinnamon aromas. This scenario can be fatal to your purse if you visit the store before your mealtime. You must resist, ladies — a moment on the lips, remember?

6. Sports Apparel

Woman buying sports apparel
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For some ladies, the gym is central to their lifestyle, so having an assortment of sleek apparel is non-negotiable. Moreover, with the rise of Instagram models and their adherents, looking bad at the gym isn’t an option. One woman reports having an entire wardrobe dedicated to gym wear, with different drawers for each element.

7. Children’s Clothes

Woman buying baby dress
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If any women out there are like my Spanish wife, they can’t resist buying their kids clothes or accessories. Having a child in Spain comes with great responsibility. She rarely returns from shopping trips without something for our son: a T-shirt he (she) might like, socks, or some new shoes. In Spain, looking one’s best in public is almost an unwritten law — children reflect the parents here.

8. Yarn

Young woman buying colorful wool and yarn for their hobby in a knitting shop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I once read about a lady sitting on the front row of a flight complaining to her husband that she needed to buy more yarn. In his raised voice, her exasperated husband told her she didn’t need any more yarn. However, his retort triggered a mini-protest from passengers sitting in the subsequent rows, who duly informed him that women could never have enough yarn.

9. Boots

Woman wearing Boots
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A boot-loving habit could be a slippery slope to financial ruin, such as the variety of boots on the market. Just imagine ignoring moon boots, Ugg boots, short boots, long boots, or any other boots you might fancy. Autumn must be the most testing month for boot fans with an eye on deals — and why not? Boots will last a good while, so surely that’s a good investment.

10. Plants and Flowers

Woman decorating house with plants
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Let’s agree that life would be quite miserable without color, and nothing brightens up the room more than those poinsettias that smiled at you when you entered the store. Plants can be a good investment, especially if they yield fruits or useful flowers; furthermore, gardening is good for you, so this must be considered a guilty pleasure exempt from guilt.

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