12 Things Boomers Like to Do That Millennials Don’t Understand

Steve Cummings

Each generation has its preferences and interests, and it sometimes can be beneficial for us to get out of our comfort zones and explore different activities from other generations.

Boomers, which refers to people born between 1946-1964 are especially known for their various hobbies and pastimes that Millennials (born between 1981-1996) don't understand.

Here's in this article, we will be sharing 12 things that Boomers like to do that Millennials don't quite understand. Whether you are a Boomer or a Millennial, we hope you will gain a better understanding of each other.

1. Going to the Bank in Person

Pasadena, California - March 13, 2021: The Wells Fargo Bank on South Lake Avenue
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Boomers often prefer the experience of going to the bank in person. They value the personal interaction and customer service that comes with face-to-face banking.

This is very different from Millennials, who are more inclined towards online banking for its convenience and speed.

The lack of physicality in online banking can sometimes leave Boomers feeling disconnected. They find comfort in traditional banking methods, even as technology continues to develop.

2. Mowing the Lawn

Woman with lawn mower
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Boomers often take pleasure in mowing the lawn, seeing it as a satisfying, productive activity that improves the visual charm of their homes. They enjoy the physicality and routine of it and take pride in maintaining their yards.

On the other hand, many Millennials view it as a tedious chore. They'd rather spend time on other pursuits or hire someone to do it. This also makes sense because most Boomers are retired and on the other hand, Millennials are busy with work and other activities.

3. Collecting Stuff

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If you are a millennial, you must have seen some of your grandparents proudly displaying their collection of coins, stamps, antiques, and other items.

Boomers have a special connection to these collections as they are often passed down from one generation to another. For them, collecting is not just about finding rare items but also preserving the memories of their pasts.

In contrast, Millennials are more into experiences than objects. They are less likely to collect and more likely to document their lives through photos and videos, which they can later share online with the world.

4. Writing Letters

Waiting for inspiration. Thoughtful young man holding hand on chin and looking away while sitting at his working place
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's sweet watching older generations write letters to each other. Boomers enjoy writing in cursive and expressing their thoughts on paper.

Meanwhile, Millennials are more familiar with typing out messages on digital devices. They prefer the speed and convenience of digital communication and have little patience for the process of writing letters by hand.

5. Writing Checks

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Just like banking in person, Boomers have a preference for writing checks when it comes to making payments. They find the process reassuring and feel more secure knowing that they can physically hand over the check.

Millennials, on the other hand, prefer electronic payments such as PayPal or credit/debit cards. Since these methods are fast and save a lot of time, Millennials opt for them more frequently.

6. Map Reading and Navigation

Friends traveling
credit: Shutterstock

Boomers are more likely to use a physical map when they go out and explore new places. They enjoy the process of reading maps, understanding the terrain, and planning their journey accordingly.

For Millennials, using navigation apps such as Google Maps has become very common. They don't have to worry about getting lost or taking wrong turns because the app tells them exactly where they should go.

7. Cooking at Home

Woman cooking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although Millenials do cook at home, it's not the same as it is for Boomers. For them, cooking is more of a healing activity that involves patience and understanding of various ingredients.

Whenever you visit your grandma's house, you will notice her taking her time to prepare meals that are both delicious and healthy. This is something Millennials don't really understand or appreciate as much.

8. Judging Youths' Fashion

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It's very common for Boomers to judge Millennials' fashion sense. They find it obnoxious, weird, and often very hideous. Boomers tend to appreciate more traditional and classic styles, while Millennials are more attracted to modern trends.

It can be clearly seen when it comes to formal occasions. Boomers prefer dresses, suits, and classic hairstyles whereas Millennials opt for more unconventional looks.

9. Complaining About Younger Generations

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Another thing that Millenials would never understand is the habit of Boomers complaining about younger generations. It's not like every boomer complains but if you talk to your grandparents, chances are they will complain about the current state of things.

It's mostly because Boomers have seen a lot of technological and cultural changes happen over time. They understand that progress is necessary but can also be uncomfortable with it at times.

10. Giving Unsolicited Advice

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Boomers often give unsolicited advice, thinking that they are helping out the younger generation. This can sometimes be annoying for Millennials because they might already know what to do or simply don't want advice from their grandparents.

When it comes to making decisions, Boomers are more likely to rely on traditional values and wisdom whereas Millennials are more open-minded and willing to experiment with different options.

11. Holding Onto Old Things

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Whether it's the 40-year-old curtain or the 30-year-old sofa, Boomers have a tendency to hold onto old things. They believe that these items hold memories that are very dear to them and it's hard for them to let go.

Millennials, on the other hand, are more comfortable with getting rid of things they don't need. They take love simplify their lives and get rid of physical belongings that are old or not being used.

12. Insisting on Formal Education

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Whether it's their religious beliefs or their educational background, Boomers tend to be more strict when it comes to formal education. They often insist that a college degree is important for success and may even pressure Millennials to pursue higher qualifications.

On the other hand, Millennials are less likely to believe that a college degree is essential and are open to exploring other options. According to Millennials, it's not just about having a degree but also using the skills and knowledge gained from experience.

Time to Understand Each Other

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As you can tell by now, there are quite a few differences between Boomers and Millennials when it comes to their habits and preferences. While it's important to respect the traditions of our previous generations, at the same time we should also open ourselves up to new ways of living. By taking time to understand each other, we can bridge the gap between young and old and take away some valuable lessons from both sides.

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